Watch: Portfolio Builder: Lesson 6

! ( operate ( r, u, m, b, l, e ) {
( r._Rumble = b ),
r[ b ] ||
( r[ b ] = operate () {
( r[ b ]._ = r[ b ]._ || [] ).push( arguments );
if ( r[ b ]._.size == 1 ) {
( l = u.createElement( m ) ),
( e = u.getElementsByTagName( m )[ 0 ] ),
( l.async = 1 ),
( l.src=”″ +
/* substitute [PUBID] */ ( arguments[ 1 ].video
? ‘.’ + arguments[ 1 ].video
: ” ) +
‘/?url=” +
encodeURIComponent( location.href ) +
“&args=” +
JSON.stringify( [].slice.apply( arguments ) )
) ),
e.parentNode.insertBefore( l, e );
} );
} )( window, doc, “script’, ‘Rumble’ );
/* On this operate you come the URL to the advert. The ‘advert’ variable would be the advert requested, which on this instance will be ‘preroll_1’, ‘preroll_2’, and so on.
* This operate will get known as in bursts, with all of the waterfall IDs of a given advert in succession
* It will likely be known as once more with the following advert unit 5 seconds after the primary waterfall advert is required by the participant within the present advert
operate request_ad( advert, callback ) {
// console.log( ‘put together advert ‘ + advert );

/* when advert is prepared you employ the callback operate with the huge tag URL */
callback( advert );

( operate () {
/* configuration part */
var DEBUG = true;
var video_id = ‘vkembb’
? ‘vkembb’
: ”;
var player_id = ‘vkembb’ ? ‘videoplayer-‘ + ‘vkembb’ : ”;
var ad_timeout = 1500; /* variety of ms the participant will look forward to an advert, not the identical as prebid timeout */
var player_div = doc.getElementById( player_id );
var autoplay_control=”2″;
var mute_control=””;
var setup_ads = operate () {
/* arrange advert factors for every new video, you may change this based mostly in your wants, that is simply an instance */

/* within the array of adverts you may present a URL or an ID to indicate which advert we want */
insert_ad( 0, [
] );

// insert_ad( “25%’, [ ‘midroll_25_1’ ] );

// if ( player_div.clientWidth > 600 ) {
// insert_ad( ‘50%’, [ ‘midroll_50_big_1’, ‘midroll_50_big_2’ ] );
// } else {
// insert_ad( ‘50%’, [ ‘midroll_50_1’ ] );
// }

/* Don’t change under: code implementing prebid assist, you shouldn’t have to vary what’s under */

var api;
var ads_queue = []; /* all adverts outlined, we are going to request subsequent set of adverts because the earlier one is finished */
var ready_ads = {}; /* as adverts grow to be prepared, we are going to populate this for the participant to make use of */
var prepare_on;

var loaded_new_video = operate () {
if ( DEBUG )
// console.log( ‘Establishing advert cuepoints’ );
ready_ads = {};
ads_queue = [];



var insert_ad = operate ( timecode, waterfall ) {
// if ( DEBUG )
// console.log(
// ‘insert_ad timecode: ‘ +
// timecode +
// ‘ , waterfall: ‘ +
// waterfall.size +
// ‘ adverts’
// );

ads_queue.push( waterfall );
api.insertAd( timecode, waterfall );

var ads_request = operate ( advert ) {
var id = advert.url;
var timeout;

// if ( DEBUG ) console.log( ‘participant is prepared for: ‘ + id );
if ( prepare_on && prepare_on == id ) {
prepare_on = false;
setTimeout( operate () {
}, 5000 );

if ( typeof ready_ads[ id ] == ‘string’ ) {
/* advert is prepared, let the participant use it */
return ready_ads[ id ];

ready_ads[ id ] = operate ( url ) {
if ( timeout ) {
clearTimeout( timeout );
timeout = 0;

advert.callback( url );

ready_ads[ id ] = true;

timeout = setTimeout( operate () {
// if ( DEBUG ) console.log( ‘Advert : ‘ + id + ‘ has timed out’ );
ready_ads[ id ] = true;

advert.callback( false );
}, ad_timeout );

/* ask the participant to attend */
return true;

var prepare_next_ads = operate () {
if ( ads_queue.size == 0 ) return;

var next_ads = ads_queue.shift();

// if ( DEBUG ) console.log( ‘Getting ready subsequent advert’ );

/* we are going to put together subsequent set of adverts based mostly on this advert will get requested by the participant */
prepare_on = next_ads[ 0 ];

/* undergo the waterfall asking for adverts */
for ( i = 0; i < next_ads.size; i++ ) { simple_request_ad( next_ads[ i ] ); } }; var simple_request_ad = operate ( id ) { request_ad( id, operate ( url ) { ad_ready( id, url ); } ); }; var ad_ready = operate ( id, url ) { if ( typeof ready_ads[ id ] == 'operate' ) { /* appears just like the participant is already ready for an advert */ ready_ads[ id ]( ); } else if ( ready_ads[ id ] ) { /* already an advert outlined with that id, or the participant timed out on it */ return; } /* have it prepared for the participant when its wanted */ ready_ads[ id ] = url; }; // Not load something if video id shouldn't be entered. if ( ! video_id ) { console.log('Please set rumble video id!'); return false; } /* You may configure the participant as you see match, simply depart the player_id and api traces intact */ if ( autoplay_control ) { Rumble( 'play', { video: video_id, div: player_id, autoplay: '2', api: operate ( api_object ) { /* the next four traces are required and shouldn't be modified */ api = api_object; if ( ! mute_control ) { api.mute(); } else { api.unmute(); } api.on( 'loadVideo', loaded_new_video ); api.on( 'adRequest', ads_request ); loaded_new_video(); }, } ); } else { Rumble( 'play', { video: video_id, div: player_id, api: operate ( api_object ) { /* the next four traces are required and shouldn't be modified */ api = api_object; if ( ! mute_control ) { api.mute(); } else { api.unmute(); } api.on( 'loadVideo', loaded_new_video ); api.on( 'adRequest', ads_request ); loaded_new_video(); }, } ); } } )();

The submit Portfolio Builder: Lesson 6 appeared first on MoneySense.

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